Roman Mythology Quiz: questions and answers

Roman Mythology Quiz: questions and answers
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Roman mythology is a set of traditional folklore stories of ancient Romans presented by literature and fine arts.

Roman Mythology quiz consists of several questions and answers to test your knowledge of the topic.

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1. From which civilization is derived Roman mithology?


2. What kind of interactions shaped the Roman mythology?

Relationships between gods and humans

3. What were the two kinds of gods?

Indigetes and novensiles

4. Who is the king of gods in Roman mythology?


5. Where were the Roman gods represented?

Literature and visual arts

6. Which authors documented Roman mythology?

Ovid and Virgil

7. What was the purpose of myths?

To explain the world's phenomena

8. According to Roman mythology, who founded Rome?

Romulus and Remus

9. Who is the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hera?

