Socrates Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher who is considered one of the founders of Western philosophy.
The Socrates Quiz consists of 10 multiple choice trivia questions and answers about Socrate's personality.
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1. When was Socrates born?
470 BC
2. How do we know about Socrates and his philosophies?
By Plato's Writings
3. All history says that Socrates was intelligent and:
4. What crime was Socrates sentenced to death for?
Corrupting youth
5. Where was Socrates born?
6. Socrates was a part of which civilization?
Ancient Greeks
7. "Know thyself", a saying by Socrates is inscribed on the temple of:
8. Who was Socrates' wife?
9. What is the method that Socrates taught his students called?
10. Socrates died by: