Stars Quiz: questions and answers

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Stars are distant space objects which are visible on a night sky. What do you know about this little twinkling objects?
Stars quiz contains some questions with multiple choice answers about the topic.
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1. Who has created the first-star catalog?
2. How many stars were included in the catalog of Hipparchus?
1020 stars
3. Who was known for the discovery of the first recorded nova?
4. Who helped Aristillus to create first-star catalog?
5. Who discovered that stars have colors?
Karl Schwarzschild
6. Who was the first astronomer to attempt to determine the distribution of stars in the sky?
William Herschel
7. Who discovered the first direct measurement of the distance to a star?
Friedrich Bessel
8. Who was the first to record observing variations in luminosity of the star Algol?
Geminiano Montanari
9. Who was the author of the Book of Fixed Stars?
Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi
10. When did Albert A. Michelson make the first measurements of a stellar diameter?