Venus Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Venus is a goddess of love, beauty, and prosperity in Roman mythology. She is considered the ancestor of Roman people.
The Venus Quiz consists of ten interesting multiple choice trivia questions with answers. Test your knowledge on this topic!
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1. How was Venus born?
From the sea foam
2. Who was the child of Venus?
3. What is the symbol of Venus?
The rose
4. When did Emperor Hadrian inaugurate a temple to Venus?
135 AD
5. Which month was sacred to Venus?
6. Which one was an ancient Roman festival celebrated in honor of Venus?
The Veneralia
7. Who was the consort of Venus?
8. When was the Roman festival Vinalia Rustica held?
23rd of April
9. When was the first known temple dedicated to Venus?
295 BC
10. Who was the painter of the "Rokeby Venus"?
Diego Velázquez