Waltz Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Waltz Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Waltz is a ballroom folk dance originated in Europe in the XVI century. It became very popular in the 1780s. What else do you know about this dance?

The Waltz Quiz consists of ten multiple choice trivia questions with answers to test your knowledge about this beautiful dance.

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1. What is the original version of waltz?

Vienna Waltz

2. How many beats are there in a bar of a waltz?


3. What does the word "waltz" mean?

Roll, turn, or glide

4. What type of dance is the Waltz often referred to? 

Ballroom dance

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Both statements are true.

6. Which of the following best describes the time of the waltz?


7. Who created the waltz dance?

People of Vienna

8. What is the term for the position of the dancers during a waltz?


9. During the Last Waltz show, Rick Danko sang the lead vocal on two songs. One was "It Makes No Difference". What was the other number Danko sang lead vocal on?


10. Who was the interviewer and director of "The Last Waltz"?

Martin Scorsese
