20 Great Women Quiz: What Do You Know About Them?

20 Great Women Quiz: What Do You Know About Them?
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Today we offer you an interesting quiz about women who have made a great contribution to the field in which they have become a leading expert. These are scientists and astronauts, painters and sculptors, ballerinas and fashion designers, programmers and political figures.

The 20 Great Women Quiz consists of multiple choice trivia questions. Try to answer each of them correctly or learn something new for yourself.

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

Which French monarch did Joan of Arc help keep on the throne?

1. Which French monarch did Joan of Arc help keep on the throne?

The famous Coco Chanel wrote her name in the history of fashion thanks to the revolutionary ideas that are firmly associated with the Chanel fashion house. What closet piece did she introduce into fashion?

2. The famous Coco Chanel wrote her name in the history of fashion thanks to the revolutionary ideas that are firmly associated with the Chanel fashion house. What closet piece did she introduce into fashion?

What contribution did Ada Lovelace, daughter of English poet George Byron, make to world science and technology?

3. What contribution did Ada Lovelace, daughter of English poet George Byron, make to world science and technology?

How did Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, who is the world's first female professor of mathematics, manage to get a higher education?

4. How did Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, who is the world's first female professor of mathematics, manage to get a higher education?

Maria Skłodowska-Curie received the Nobel Prize for her outstanding discoveries in what field?

5. Maria Skłodowska-Curie received the Nobel Prize for her outstanding discoveries in what field?

Norma Jeane Mortenson is the real name ...

6. Norma Jeane Mortenson is the real name ...

The most famous choreographic miniature by Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, who is considered the standard-bearer of the Russian ballet school.

7. The most famous choreographic miniature by Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, who is considered the standard-bearer of the Russian ballet school.

Which nation's prime minister was Golda Meir?

8. Which nation's prime minister was Golda Meir?

The famous American singer, pianist, and composer Nina Simon was interested in music from an early age. At what age did she begin playing the piano?

9. The famous American singer, pianist, and composer Nina Simon was interested in music from an early age. At what age did she begin playing the piano?

How long did the famous Cleopatra rule Egypt?

10. How long did the famous Cleopatra rule Egypt?

The famous dancer Isadora Duncan was the founder of modern dance, which expressed naturalness and freedom. Where did she draw her inspiration from when developing her new dance system?

11. The famous dancer Isadora Duncan was the founder of modern dance, which expressed naturalness and freedom. Where did she draw her inspiration from when developing her new dance system?

Margaret Thatcher was the first woman minister of a European state. Why did she get the nickname "iron lady"?

12. Margaret Thatcher was the first woman minister of a European state. Why did she get the nickname "iron lady"?

Indira Gandhi, the only female prime minister in India, was named in a 1999 poll as ...

13. Indira Gandhi, the only female prime minister in India, was named in a 1999 poll as ...

The artist Frida Kahlo attracted worldwide interest in Mexican art. What genre dominated the artist's work?

14. The artist Frida Kahlo attracted worldwide interest in Mexican art. What genre dominated the artist's work?

The richest woman in the world of show business, the first black female billionaire recognized as the most powerful person in show business and the most influential celebrity.

15. The richest woman in the world of show business, the first black female billionaire recognized as the most powerful person in show business and the most influential celebrity.

The outstanding Russian ballerina Maya Plesetskaya was noted for her amazing plasticity, lightness, and magnificent execution of her jumps. She created her own style and developed a jump called ...

16. The outstanding Russian ballerina Maya Plesetskaya was noted for her amazing plasticity, lightness, and magnificent execution of her jumps. She created her own style and developed a jump called ...

The first female cosmonaut is known all over the world. In what year did Valentina Tereshkova fly into space?

17. The first female cosmonaut is known all over the world. In what year did Valentina Tereshkova fly into space?

Madeleine Albright was the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State. What party was she a member of?

18. Madeleine Albright was the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State. What party was she a member of?

How did Queen Victoria describe her childhood?

19. How did Queen Victoria describe her childhood?

Political activist who fought for women's rights, author of the idea of International Women's Day.

20. Political activist who fought for women's rights, author of the idea of International Women's Day.
