Alchemy Quiz: questions and answers

Alchemy Quiz: questions and answers
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Alchemy was an ancient field of natural philosophy that was dominant before the development of modern science.

Alchemy quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers to test what do you know about this ancient science.

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. What is the purpose of alchemy?

2. What's the meaning of alchemy?

3. Which book belongs to the classics of alchemy?

4. What is Chinese alchemy intertwined with?

5. What important invention has to do with Chinese alchemy?

6. What's the Philosopher's stone?

7. Which famous scientist was also an alchemist?

8. What's the Aqua vitae?

9. What was alchemy called in the Middle Ages?

10. What was the goal of alchemy?
