Detroit Quiz: questions and answers

Detroit Quiz: questions and answers
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Detroit is an American city located in the northern part of the county of the border with Canada. The city is famous for being the center of the American automotive industry.

Detroit quiz includes questions and answers about this industrial city.

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. What name did UNESCO give to Detroit in 2015?

2. What is the largest theatre in Detroit?

3. What is the home of Detroit Red Wings is?

4. Which city if on northern shore from Detroit across the Detroit River?

5. Detroit River is the only international wildlife preserve in North America, did not consist of:

6. Which one of the following is not the platform for border crossing from Detroit?

7. Which one of the following automobile industry company did not manufactured and headquartered in Detroit?

8. The film '8 Mile' is based on which celebrity's real life story?

9. Which Oscar-winning director was born in Detroit?

10. Which Sesame Street character received the key to the city of Detroit?
