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Drag Race Quiz: questions and answers

Drag Race Quiz: questions and answers
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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. What is the name for a system which give the start to all modern professional drug races?

2. When was the age bar for children to enter junior dragster was reduced from 8 to 5 years?

3. What is the distance for NHRA or IHRA Jr. Drag Race permitted for the race?

4. What is the name of the first NHRA Funny Car driver to run 300 mph at a national event which was sanctioned?

5. What is NHRA fire and safety crews known as for drag race national events?

6. What is the full form of NHRA?

7. What is CFM mean in drag racing?

8. How many circuits had NHRA circuit in 2003?

9. Why is analog ignition signal required over digital in drag racing?

10. What is the name of McGuire Air Force Base’s old drag race strip?
