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Alexandre Dumas Quiz: questions and answers

Alexandre Dumas Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

What do you know about one of the most prolific writers ever? Dumas wrote more than 500 works and many of them are considered the national treasure of French culture. Play the quiz and test your knowledge about this great and inimitable author.

The Alexandre Dumas quiz consists of easy and interesting questions about the life and works of this French author. Test your knowledge!

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. Who was Dumas because of the fact that his grandmother was a black slave from the island of Haiti?

2. Which Dumas’s play was prohibited for staging because the author refused to rewrite it in classic style?

3. Which literary movement did Dumas' works belong to?

4. What was the role of Alexandre Dumas in the July Revolution?

5. When did Dumas start to work in the genre of adventure fiction?

6. Which Dumas co-author took him to court trying to get higher payment and authorial recognition for The Count of Monte Cristo?

7. What place in the world does Dumas take according to the number of works he wrote?

8. At what age did Dumas die?

9. When did Alexandre Dumas die?

10. How many movies are based on the works by Dumas?
