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Space Exploration Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Space Exploration Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Space is one of the most interesting and unexplored objects of science. Humankind was always eager to find out what is hidden in outer space and are there any extraterrestrial life.

The Space Exploration Quiz includes 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers related to the topic. Try your best and you will get the highest score. Good luck!

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. When was Sputnik 1 launched?

2. What is the name of the spacecraft that is currently on its way to Pluto?

3. NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft had a crash landing on the surface of ______

4. Who discovered the planet Uranus?

5. Who was the first woman to reach the space?

6. What was the first creature sent to space?

7. Who was the first man to step on the Moon?

8. What is the name of a mission when the first manned flight around the Moon was made?

9. Venera 9 was the first artificial satellite of which planet?

10. What is the name of the first spacecraft to land on the surface of a planet?
