The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Quiz: questions and answers

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Quiz: questions and answers
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The Scarlet Letter is the most famous and significant work in Hawthorne's bibliography. It tells the story of a sinful love of two passionate hearts living in the puritan society.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about the novel.

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. When was The Scarlett Letter written?

2. Who is the author of The Scarlett Letter?

3. When does the story take place?

4. What is the name of the protagonist of The Scarlett Letter?

5. What was Hester Prynne convicted for?

6. Where does the story take place?

7. What was the name of Hester's daughter?

8. Who was Pearl's father?

9. Which letter was Hester forced to wear on her dress as a symbol of her shame?

10. What happens to Hester at the end of the novel?
