Animal Quiz: questions and answers

Animal Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Animals are human's best friends. Let's check what do you know about them by playing the quiz!

The Animal quiz contains ten general knowledge question with multiple choice answers. Good luck!

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1. What is a group of lions called?

A pride

2. Which of the following animals does not live in groups?

A bear

3. Which animal has a dark-purple tongue?

Chow chow dog

4. Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

A giraffe

5. Which animal can give birth underwater?

A hippopotamus

6. What is the color of a lobster's blood?


7. Which animal recognizes itself in the mirror?

A chimpanzee

8. Which bird is sometimes called a flying rat?

A pigeon

9. Which animal can live without water longer than camels?


10. Which of the following animals laying eggs?

An echidna
