Zootopia Quiz: questions and answers

Zootopia Quiz: questions and answers
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This Disney movie tells the story of the utopic world inhabited by predators and preys living hand by hand without a single conflict. Do you know what happened to them?

Zootopia quiz includes ten fun questions with answers about the plot of this animated movie. 

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1. Which production company released "Zootopia"?

Walt Disney

2. When was the movie released?


3. What job does the rabbit Judy Hopps have?

Police Officer

4. What was the budget for "Zootopia"?

$150 million

5. Which animal is the bunny's con artist friend?

A fox

6. Which animal is the police chief of the city?

A buffalo

7. Which famous singer was cast in "Zootopia"?


8. Who composed the music for the film?

Michael Giacchino

9. What was the rating of Zootopia?

8 out of 10 stars

10. Which awards did the movie receive?

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