The Prince and The Pauper Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

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The Prince and the Pauper is the first historical fiction novel written by Twain. Want to check how well do you know the plot of the book.
The Prince and The Pauper Quiz includes 10 multiple choice trivia questions and answers related to the plot of the novel. Try your best!
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1. Who is the author of the novel?
Mark Twain
2. Where does the story take place?
3. When does the story take place?
XVI century
4. When was the novel first published?
5. Who teaches Tom Canty to read and write?
Local priest
6. What is the name of the Prince?
7. What was Duke of Norfolk suspected of?
8. Why was Duke's execution delayed?
Great Seal of England was lost
9. What is the name of Tom's father?
10. At what age did Edward die?
At the age of 15