Monsoon Quiz: questions and answers

Monsoon Quiz: questions and answers
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Monsoons are seasonal reversing winds typical for tropical areas of our planet.

Monsoon Quiz consists of interesting questions with multiple choice answers related to this natural phenomenon.

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For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results.

1. What is a monsoon?

2. What are the effects of the monsoon?

3. Where did the word "monsoon" come from?

4. Where do monsoons take place?

5. Which country is widely known for its monsoon season?

6. Which city receives the most rain during the monsoon?

7. How many kinds of monsoon exist?

8. Where was the term "monsoon" first used?

9. Many geologists believe that the monsoon first became strong about:

10. When does the monsoon season start in Central America?

11. Which temperature condition does NOT cause the monsoon?
