Astronomical Objects Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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If you have a telescope, you probably have an interest in observing the moon, comets, nearby planets, and other astronomical objects. It is very fascinating!
The Astronomical Objects Quiz will test your theoretical knowledge of them. We have tried to collect questions of different complexity and remind or tell you about some interesting facts about celestial bodies.
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1. A meteor is a ...
a phenomenon occurring when fragments of comets, asteroids, etc. burn up in the Earth's atmosphere
2. Ice giants are huge planets that are mostly composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. How many are there in the solar system?
3. What are the planets that are outside the solar system called?
4. Galilean moons are called the four largest satellites of ...
5. How long ago do scientists think the Sun formed?
About 4.5 billion years ago
6. They were first detected at Jupiter, as of 2023 there are 9 at Mars, 28 at Neptune, one at Uranus, and two at Earth. These are ...
Trojan asteroids
7. How many satellites does Pluto have?
8. What is the name of a star at the initial stage of its evolution and at the final stage of its formation before fusion occurs?
9. What is the ancient Greek word from which the name "comet" is derived?
"hairy," "shaggy"
10. In the spring of 1967, the Icarus Project was launched at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. What was its mission?
Develop a plan to destroy one of the asteroids if it is likely to collide with Earth.