Capitals of European Countries Quiz: 12 Multiple Choice Trivia Questions with Answers

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Continuing the theme of the capitals of the world, we invite you to test your knowledge about them once again. Today we will talk about Europe, the cities which can be called the most attractive for Russian travelers. How well do you know them?
The Capitals of European Countries Quiz consists of 12 interesting questions of different difficulty. Test your knowledge!
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1. The capital of the country whose medicine is considered by many to be the best in Europe.
2. The capital of the country located on the Balkan Peninsula.
3. The capital of Belarus' southern neighbor.
4. The capital of the state, which is located in the western part of Transcaucasia on the east coast of the Black Sea.
5. The capital of Great Britain's western neighbor.
6. The capital of Spain's western neighbor.
7. The capital of a state that is located in southern Europe. This city is famous for its student atmosphere and green areas.
8. The capital of Slovakia.
9. The capital of Sweden's western neighbor.
10. The capital of the state on the Balkan Peninsula, which occupies 22% of its area.
11. The capital of a European country located on the Iberian Peninsula.
12. The capital of a state that is located in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.