Scarabaeidae Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

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Scarabaeidae are a numerous family of beetles that is famous for its diversity. The total number of the family is approximately 30,000 species, and up to 200 new ones are described each year.
The Scarabaeidae Quiz consists of 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers Test your general knowledge on this topic!
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1. The family Scarabaeidae as currently defined consists of how many species of beetles worldwide?
2. What is scarab's minimum size?
1,5 mm
3. What is scarab's maximum size?
160 mm
4. The scientific name for the Egyptian scarab is "Scarabaeus sacer". However, what is its common name?
Dung Beetle
5. What did the scarab beetle represent to the ancient Egyptians?
6. The ancient Egyptians made scarab beetle amulets from many different materials. What was the name for the glazed ceramic earthenware, usually blue-green in color, that was used?
7. To the ancient Egyptians, what was represented by the ball the scarab pushed?
8. Which ancient Egyptian deity, one with a scarab's head, aided in the daily movement of the sun?
9. Ancient Egyptian scarabs came in three different forms. In which of the following ways was a pectoral scarab typically used?
10. Another form of the ancient Egyptian scarab was called a heart scarab. What was its purpose?
To tell the deceased